Quarterly and annual confidential management utilization reports.

With NEAP, we actively engage with employees and employ utilization data to tailor the program to meet your employees’ needs.


We will provide quarterly and annual confidential management utilization reports. Your designated account manager will meet with you quarterly to review these reports, analyze data, identify trends, and adapt the program based on results.


A key feature of our reports is the automatically generated executive summary, which provides a high-level review of the report data concisely. This information is calculated based on the report’s specific date range. It gives actual utilization to the timeframe, projected utilization for the entire year, and utilization from the same date range in the previous calendar year.

The reports include data covering:

  • Caller demographics 
  • Utilization – can be summarized by division
  • Issue categories for counseling and work-life cases
  • Identified personal and work-related issues
  • Web hits and clinical general assistance queries (not counted as utilization)
  • Method of contact
  • Workplace activities (onsite events including training, crisis support, etc.)

We give you hope, inspiration, and freedom to live your best life.




(210) 523-4200


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